Carla Pillsbury / Bisque Molds
Sunday, September 22nd from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
If you find plaster mold making intimidating, bisque molds are an excellent alternative. In this skill share I will demonstrate bisque mold use, and the bisque mold making process. Once you get a handle on the basics of bisque mold making, you will be overwhelmed by the options by either finding interesting forms out in the world to make molds (thrifting will never be the same) to creating your own forms.
Sunday, September 22nd from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
If you find plaster mold making intimidating, bisque molds are an excellent alternative. In this skill share I will demonstrate bisque mold use, and the bisque mold making process. Once you get a handle on the basics of bisque mold making, you will be overwhelmed by the options by either finding interesting forms out in the world to make molds (thrifting will never be the same) to creating your own forms.
Sunday, September 22nd from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
If you find plaster mold making intimidating, bisque molds are an excellent alternative. In this skill share I will demonstrate bisque mold use, and the bisque mold making process. Once you get a handle on the basics of bisque mold making, you will be overwhelmed by the options by either finding interesting forms out in the world to make molds (thrifting will never be the same) to creating your own forms.